Don't Worry be Happy

Text: Jude 1:21
keep yourselves in the love of God; look forward to the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life. (NRSV)

I have to tell you; it is verses like this one that bring me the joy of being a Christian.  I look at this verse as the “Don’t Worry Be Happy” verse of the Christian life.

The marching orders we have from Jude are to keep ourselves in the love of God and to anticipate the mercy of Jesus knowing that this all leads to eternal life.  Wow!  What a great deal, what a stress-free attitude, what an amazing blessing!

Whenever you get stressed about all the junk you have going on in your life, stop and think about this verse.  Stay in the love of God, look forward to Jesus’ mercy and know that this is all leading to eternal life.  The rest of the junk in your life, is just that.  These are things you have added to the mix and, if they become too stressful, cut them loose; you don’t need them.

What is dragging you down?  Stay in the love of God!  What do you worry about at night?  Look forward to the mercy of our Lord Jesus!  Are you worried about the end of life?  This is all leading to eternal life!

Pray with me:

God of love, mercy, and eternal life fill me with the joy of life that comes in know you through your Son Jesus Christ.  When I worry about the things I have added to my life that become too much for me to bear, speak the words “Don’t worry be happy!” into my spirit.  AMEN.

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