The Best of All Worship Worlds

This Friday’s devotion comes from Liz Sabath.  Liz is our Sunday School Superintendent.  She has done an amazing job of keeping our young disciples connected in ministry, making sure they know the church loves them, and has been especially busy the past few months preparing for Vacation Bible School.

Today, Liz brings us a message about worship.


For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. (Matthew 18:20)

What’s your style service/worship?  Are you a Contemporary or Traditional person?  Are you a service by time person?  Are you still worshipping at home virtually?

Me?  I’m all of the above.  I could listen to Tonya sing for hours in the Great Hall.  To see in her eyes, the love she shares singing God’s word, is pure joy.  Then again, Mr. Cate’s voice carries through the Sanctuary, complimenting the pipe organ.  His version of On Eagles Wings brings me to tears immediately.

During the Sunday School year, I attend the 11 AM service.  In the Summer, I attend the 9 AM service.  On a Sunday I wake up and my morning has me running late, I can reset my day and worship virtually.  Do you know how blessed we are to have all these options at our church?  We have the best of all worship worlds.  We can meet the needs of all types of services.  Mix in our young disciples at both services and what a wonderful worship experience we have.
I have a challenge for you:  try a different service.  See through the eyes of those who attend that service, the joy it brings them.  Embrace the old hymns and let the pipe organ ring through your ears, lift your arms in praise as our own Praise Team transports you to your first Christian concert experience.  Feel how each service can fill your heart.  You will be able to share ALL our church has to offer with the world.

Our church is such a joy filled, soul filling home. Fill your heart with all it offers and sing praises to our King.
- Liz Sabath

Praise the Lord.  Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in the assembly of his faithful people.  (Psalm 149:1)


Linda Babcock - July 22nd, 2022 at 11:29am

AMEN, Liz! You are so right. We're one family, one church...all parts of the same body! Full of love for Christ and one another 💕

Tonya Neuweiler - July 24th, 2022 at 3:40pm

Thank you, Liz, for your kind words. It's an honor to serve God and the congregation. I enjoy both 'flavors' of service that AUMC offers. One speaks to my inner child as it reminds me of days past and the services I loved growing up, the other gives me joy in embracing my now. Our kids experienced both and I'd hope that could be true for all kids. There is something to be tucked away in your heart in any service if you can just listen and embrace it. Do yourself a favor and do as Liz suggests. Try all the flavors, and often! They will nourish your heart.